Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I am a Mommy! I was going to wait until I had the pictures of BeBe to put up here, but I'll post them when I get them.

So, Rodney and I, as a wedding present, were given a little bird. It is a love bird and it is a mutation of a peach faced love bird. He is so pretty too! For a love bird, he probably has the biggest personality you would ever see in one.

He is still a baby, just 2 months old. He totally rocks, too. He likes to snuggle with you and fly to you and has bonded to both Rodney and I. We still hand feed him a little bit, but he is turning into a big boy! He now sleeps on the big boy perch and is exploring all parts of his cage and our apartment.

We're hoping he'll be the one in a thousand who speaks. He is already a little talkative, at least in bird language and he loves to play Peek-a-boo! I'll throw a wash rag over him and say, "Where's BeBe?" He'll then poke his head out and whistle at me to tell me that he is right there! It is the most adorable thing.

If you haven't met him, you totally need to. We take him practically every where with us in his little carrier. I will post pictures on here as soon as I get them developed!

On a side note, Jen Jen got engaged!!!! Yea!!! So exciting!

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