Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good Friends, Good Times

God brings amazing people into my life. They have a profound impact on my life in many ways and they sometimes don't even realize they do! One particular person is my friend Sunny. Sunny and I met through the FriendSpeak Program at my church. She wanted to practice English on a more one-on-one basis, and I wanted to get to know a new friend.

Crazily enough, our first ever meeting was cancelled because someone hit Sunny's car on her way to meet me. Finally, we got together and we formed a deep, personal relationship with one another. Even though she is "a bit" older than me, we bonded spiritually and relationally. We could share intimate details of our lives and struggles and love and support each other.

She probably taught me more than I truly taught her. I learned so much about Korea, culture, and what it is like to be a foreigner (even though I never thought of her as one) in America. She taught me, through her example, how to be a good wife, friend, Christian sister, prayer warrior, and mother.

Now, she is headed back to Korea. I can't say that I won't miss her, because I really will miss her A LOT. She is my sister in Christ and I am a better person because of her. I look forwards to keeping in contact and seeing her when she visits (her daughter will stay here) and when I can go see her in Korea.

I will be sad when she goes back and will miss our weekly meetings. She truly has a heart for God and wonderful spirit.

Sunny- Thanks for loving me for who I am and for your loving, Christian heart. North Carolina won't be the same without you! ~Tamara

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