Thursday, January 17, 2008

Vote 2008- Do you need help making a decision?

I got this email from a friend in Iowa, and I definitely think you should utilize that website!!!

We were bombarded with political ads and campaigns for months leading up to the Jan 3 Iowa Caucuses. It was overwhelming and frustrating and annoying. However, we do have an important decision to make this year. We are electing a new President. Some people live for election year, not me. I can honestly do without all the ads, debates, and he said/she said stuff. I do vote and I do believe it is important for all Americans 18 and over to vote. Have thought about who you will vote for yet? I knew what some of the candidates were about, but not all of them and not to the extent I was ready to put my support behind one of them. I tried to find stuff online and read the newspaper (that was a joke- a former co-worker once claimed that all media is controlled by the democrats except Fox News) but still had a hard time getting the info I needed.

I have found a website that was developed to help you with all of these questions. You will be asked to answer some questions and then rank their importance to you. Based on your answers you will see how the candidates agree and disagree with you. You will get a brief overview and you will have the option of seeing the detail on each subject and where the candidate stands.

I hope this website can help you make a decision on who to vote for. Come November if you are still undecided that is OK, but please if nothing else exercise your RIGHT TO VOTE!!!!

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