Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Postcard to Myself from 2034

Dear Tamara (2014),
It is the year 2034. I am truly impacting the world, but even more importantly, my family. My children want to grow up to be like me and I am a Proverbs 31 woman, a true DIAMOND in the rough. My nephews look up to me and want to be a part of the impact movement I have created. I provide for my parents so they can live comfortably and worry free. I've seen so much of the world, but I am not idle. I am always in discovery mode and continue to move forward with Josh by my side. I am building a legacy that will impact the generations after me. My faith is stronger than ever. I am an IMPACT player, and I empower those around me. I am thankful and blessed.

Tamara (2034)

This was an exercise I did with the Staff Women's Network that I am a part of on campus. I have to say that I feel so happy and blessed to be in my current position despite the struggle to get here. This group is one of the many blessings I've had since joining the pack. 

In this exercise, we created a mind map of the themes of the group's individual "Spirit Visions" that we wrote in our postcards to ourselves. You can see this below:

Writing out this vision statement in postcard form wasn't easy. I really had to put my vision before me. It's not the first time I've done it; in fact, I really worked on my vision a mere 3 weeks ago. But, now that it is written this way, I feel like it is truly achievable. They say if you don't write your goals/vision down, it's unlikely you will achieve them. This is a HUGE step in my forward momentum for sure. 

Some of the other parts of writing our "Spirit Vision" had to do with answering some personal questions like the values I thought were most important, what I yearn to achieve, what I thought my biggest strengths were, and what fulfills me. It took some thought, but ultimately it excited me for the future. 

What's your "Spirit Vision"? If you need some guidance, I have access to the powerpoint and handouts we used. I'll be glad to share them with you! 

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