Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I consider myself a sensible and nice Christian lady, but there are times when people annoy me. I have been especially annoyed with people who make snap judgments and give us flack (even behind our backs) without first asking for clarification.

Mainly, this all has to do with our aviary business (not the products but our babies). It all started with a YouTuber who must have emailed us asking us about prices. When we shared our prices with them, they eventually made a comment on one of our videos. Now, I have the full right to remove comments I don't like or ones that have crudeness, spite, cussing, etc in them which I do not approve of. Well, when I removed the comment that mentioned our pricing and that expressed their outright misunderstandings about our pricing, they immediately (how juvenile!) came back and re-commented in the same way AFTER I had sent them a PM to help clear up their misconceptions.

Ok, now, I was bold enough to leave their second comment up because two people had already replied to it (in support of us as it would seem!) with of course a couple of replies from me to clear up the misunderstandings.

Now, here is where it gets interesting. We do track hits and occasionally google ourselves to see how people can find us. Lo, and behold, we find a forum that is commenting on our pricing. Once again, people have misunderstood our pricing and before seeking clarification have bashed us as high and mighty, over-priced, etc. I do believe people are entitled to their opinions as long as they have all the information to back it up. However, if you are going to misquote, misunderstand, bash us, etc., then how does that reflect on you? I think pretty poorly.

Why do you think we don't post our prices on the web???? For the very reason that people can completely misunderstand and dismiss us as over-priced and high & mighty.

Now, if they really took the time to get to know us, as ALL of our clients have at least attempted to do, then they would realize we do not consider ourselves to be all-knowing, high & mighty, or holier than thou!

I truly believe that when pricing becomes the issue over quality and finding another member of the family, then they probably weren't the right home for our babies in the first place. Remember, we aren't just looking to unload our babies onto just anyone. I do understand about finding deals. Believe me, I like a deal just like anyone else, but when it comes to the important things in life, "a good-deal" usually doesn't cut it (from my experiences).

I also get annoyed with people who aren't honest with us. We really do try and find the right homes for our birdies, and will really go out of our way to do so. With gas prices these days and the value of our time, our mere willingness to do whatever it takes should at least be a small indicator of our high integrity and how much we care about our birds. We don't just let anyone come in and adopt.

When we recommend a bird to someone, we make sure that they have as much access to that bird as possible. If it is a long distance client and they can come in and visit the bird before they take it home, that is great! If not, we hope that they can trust us at least a little bit since we are so "out-there" throughout the entire raising of each clutch. We post videos, pictures, answer questions, talk on the phone, everything!

Hypothetically speaking, if a long distance client expressed interest in adopting our one of our babies, couldn't come and meet the baby ahead of time, but then met the baby on the day they were to adopt and didn't like them, then they wouldn't have to adopt it! We wouldn't charge them a thing for the time and energy it took for us to try and find a home for that baby. We do understand business, you know!

To get this off my chest, we really do make our babies worth the price. When you get one of our birds, you don't just get the bird and that's that. You get a vet-checked bird (included in the cost.... you try and get a new pet vet-checked and see how much it costs you, especially if you don't already have a relationship with that vet), which is a very RARE thing to get from a breeder. Having a vet checked bird reduces so much risk when you bring him/her into a multi-bird environment especially! You also get a week's worth of food/treats. You get a birth certificate. You get a handmade toy. You get extra shredables (finger traps, shredders, straws). We spend as much time as you need the day you come to pick up your baby answering questions and explaining & suggesting things. You get the ability to come in and play with your babies before they wean as much as you and I can arrange!!! You get a personal relationship forever with us. We won't abandon you. We are available for questions, suggestions, products, etc! We essentially are committing to a 15-20 year relationship with you!

Whew.... well, now I do feel better. I have gotten this off my chest. I just really feel like people should give the benefit of the doubt. We try to in everything we do, but sometimes, to protect our reputation (and yours for that matter), we just need to clear misunderstandings up! We aren't lying to you when we tell you that people, our vet, and pet stores recommend us. We know because those are where we get some of our referrals from. Why would we lie about that anyways? This isn't how we make our living, but even it it were, we wouldn't tell you something to hurt you because then it would just hurt our babies somehow too!

Just realize this. We spend A LOT of time answering emails, comments, PMs about birds and really do feel like we are making a difference. Even if we just save one bird's life through a helpful hint or suggestion, we have accomplished what we are out there to do.

Read our website. You'll find we are genuine people and, really, the money we make from selling our babies goes right back into our flock as it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I have never met you. I have never purchased a bird from you. I live on the other side of the country from you! From my experience through emails, you are the nicest people!! I wish I lived closer and could meet you guys! You answer all my questions and take time to help me understand lovebirds (and budgies) so that I can give my babies the best home possible! To those who think you are in it for the money, I dont believe it! I guess I just wanted to put in a good word for you. Anyone who is as busy as you guys are, and still take time to help a stanger gets high marks in my book. I will probably never be able to purchase one of your babies because I live on the other side of the country. And if I lived closer, I would come snatch up Pearl. I can see how much time you take caring for your birds. Try finding a pet store that will sell you a hand raised, vet checked Lovie companion. Give you food and treats, and a promise to help whenever they can. Then, after the transaction is over write them some emails and see how fast they get back to you. Although I cant say for sure, I believe you would be hard pressed to find that kind of commitment and service from a pet store.

So, all in all, I understand your annoyance. People are too quick to jump to conclusions.