Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Books and Speech

Here are a few quotes from the book An Enemy Called Average by John L. Mason:

Choose to think eternally, but act daily.

Don't accept your present, temporary situation as your future, permanent situation.

The impossible, many times, is just simply the untried.

Great leaders always rise above obstacles.

It is not the absence of problems that gives us peace; it's God's presence with us in the problems.

When God sees someone who doesn't quit, He looks down and says, "There is someone I can use."

Here are some quotes from The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson:

Your Giant is strong evidence that you're right on track to achieve the Big Dream God put in your heart.

Your dream lies in the direction of an overwhelming obstacle.
(which you AND God can overcome)

Here is part of a speech I gave about dreaming/business:

You must commit to serve others. By serving others first, you, too, shall be served. "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you."

Part of my commitment to my business is to personal growth. If you aren't growing, you might as well be withering. Everyday you choose not to grow, you are forgetting whose you are. I thank the Lord everyday that he hasn't forgotten me.

I consider myself "A diamond in the Rough."

Cure yourself of excusitis. Build confidence and destroy fear. Action overcomes fear. Keep your momentum going by persistently and consistantly taking action to achieve your dream.

Listen to the people who support your dream.

All in all, choose to be happy everyday, no matter what!

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