Monday, March 06, 2006

Morning Prayer

This one was passed on via email to me:

Lord God,
What am I to do with the many things in my life:
house and car,
social life,
community service,
friends who come and friends who go,
food and drink,
this repair or that,
this interruption or that,
this illness or that,
e-mails and correspondence,
finance and investment,
books and movies,
newspapers and magazines,
longings and ambitions,
love and sexuality,
travel and leisure?
Is it really "simplify, simplify, simplify"?
I ask only that my life may be totally transformed
by your Spirit of love, O God.
All these things and more will likely stay.
What is new is
that I am set free
from the compulsions of this world
and my heart is set on the only necessary thing.
What is new is
that I no longer experience the many things, people and events in my life
as endless causes of worry,
but I begin to experience them
as the many, colorful ways
in which God makes his presence known to me.


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