Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Pro-Life & Birth Control

So, I am going to post something controversial on my blog. That's kind of a first. I tend to avoid controversial subjects because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings (a little bit of my sanguine coming out) nor do I want to hurt any of my friendships with my point of view.

Disclaimer: Be aware that I am going to express my opinion, but do NOT take it as an attack on your views should you disagree with my thoughts/opinions. I am simply writing what I feel. I also will not judge someone who has a different view point from me (or someone who has the same) and you should not either as that is commanded in God's word.

Pro-Life and Using Birth Control

Lately, I have been reading a lot about people who believe that if you are pro-life, it is hypocritical to take birth control pills. I know of several people who have posted thoughts on this subject, including the Biblical Womanhood Blog, that referenced this Tract. Now, I am not exactly sure which point of view the wonderful Christian Lady who blogs there takes (though I am fairly certain), and I am not specifically attacking her or anyone for that matter; I am just stating my thoughts on the matter!

I am a self professed Pro-Life person, but I am not sure what view to take when the mother's life is in danger or it involves a rape case. I won't really express what I think about those situations here and now due to the fact I would probably have to write a whole research paper on it. To sum it up, in those cases, it is between them and God.

Anyways, I do not like abortion in general. I think that you are taking the life of a child in those cases, killing something that does have a soul and that God formed in the womb. I, personally, would not get an abortion because I accidentally got pregnant by my husband or didn't want the baby, especially being a married woman.

I am, however, a self professed practicer of birth control. I take the birth control pill and almost all of my married friends do the same. I started the birth control pill right after I started college. Now, I know what some might think, but sex was not the reason. You see, I needed some way to cut down on the pain and issues I had surrounding my monthly period (sorry if this is graphic or TMI).

I have continued taking the birth control, especially now that I am married. I do not feel like I am killing any babies or going against God in this. Truly, my husband and I are definitely not ready to have babies at this point (personally, timely, or financially), and are unsure if that is a part of God's plan for us. I do know, however, that if God intends for us to have a baby, we will have one no matter how hard we try not to (i.e. birth control pills, condoms, etc).

Birth control pills merely prevent the fertilization of an egg by preventing ovulation. In essence, you are preserving your eggs, or future children of God. I like to think of it as saving them for later should having children be His will. I am not rationalizing this from a physical or scientific point of view, merely what my conscious tells me through my spiritual beliefs.

God is divine and His will is evident in everything. I am not intending to go against God and prevent any future followers or people of faith. I think God does allow us choice as long as it is in accordance to His will.

What is His will for my husband and I? Who knows? I do have several friends who got pregnant on the birth control pill. Again, evidence that God will bless us despite the measures we take. Do I think children are a blessing? Sure.

I do know that God has a lot in store for us according to His will. Does that include children? Right now, we are being led down the direction that does not include them. I still do my part with children as I try to be an example to them in my spiritual walk, through volunteering at church in the nursery, and mentoring.

God has used many child-less couples, whether by choice or not. I know of one specific couple who's call to ministry would be compromised, in terms of time, should they have children. While it is God's will for some couples to have children and some not to have children, the mere and meager birth control methods will not prevent God's will from coming about.

If I do have children, it will be a blessing. I want, personally, to be able to care for them abundantly in my finances, time, and energy. We will accept what God's will is for us because who can argue with God?

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