Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Story of BeBe

This is the story I submitted for a Pet Contest through the African Lovebird Society:

I never realized that there was something missing in my life. I was shocked when I realized it was my lovie, BeBe (Dutch Blue Pied Peach-Faced Lovebird). You see, I knew when I got married that I was marrying a parrot person. I had never owned a parrot in my life! I was under complete misconceptions about parrots in general. Then, we were approached with a decision to accept one of the smallest parrots into our family. Honestly, I had no idea what I was getting into and the love that I would experience for so small a life.

BeBe was a wedding present to my husband and I. He became part of our family in mid-October 2005. He was about 3 months old, but not yet weaned. The story goes that at the home of the breeders, BeBe had actually died. He got too cold and the man of the house saved BeBe by reviving him. BeBe had been almost weaned at that point, but reverted back to his baby stages and wouldn’t get out of them until he was almost 6 months old.

Some people would call BeBe spoiled. I would merit saying, instead, that he is extremely spoiled, well, and extremely loved. We consider him our child, so, in essence, we are normal parents in wanting to give BeBe the best life. People noticed a difference in him right away. Suddenly, we were breaking the bad rap that lovebirds had gotten. The exposure of sweet, loving, playful lovebirds was coming out through our very own baby.

BeBe has always had the most awesome toys. His cage is a plethora of stimulation. However, he remains outside of his cage most of the time. He loves his Penn-Plax playground and Hide-N-Peek Ball especially. Some people might call us extravagant in how we spoil our birds. I just call it a good investment into a long and happy life with them.

People are impressed with BeBe. Though he is small in size, he still stands out in a crowd of other birds. He knows a number of tricks and also how to get into trouble! He prefers to eat off of our plate and go down our shirts. That doesn’t quite work out when we have guests. In one instance, we had a couple over that we were friends with. I was called to rescue BeBe when he went down the shirt of the female guest!

He loves to give kisses. I suspect that if given the chance, he would just kiss me all day. If I ask him if he loves me, he makes a kissing noise at me. Sometimes you will catch him kissing every person he visits when we take him out. Another way he shows his affection for us is by regurgitating on us. Most of the time, it is him going through the motions rather than really anything coming up.

He loves to play “Where’s BeBe?” which is basically a version of Peek-a-boo. He has a great, unique call when he comes out and I say, “There’s BeBe!” It was that call that helped reunite us when he accidentally flew out the door.

After his first molt, we decided to let him keep his flight feathers for a little while. That was until I frightened him when I was putting a box outside my front door. Never in my life, have I been so upset and scared. He took off out and around our apartment building out of my sight. I dashed down the stairs and started calling his name in hysterics. Then I heard the most beautiful sound. He called back to me. Soon, BeBe was back in my arms. I truly didn’t realize how much I loved him until I almost lost him. Needless, to say, I was truly blessed to have him back as many people are not so fortunate.

BeBe loves to snuggle. He loves doing his tricks. One of the funniest antics he has is when he imitates a helicopter. He makes the chopping sound and moves around in circles. He also likes to imitate a circus elephant by trying to balance himself on a ball. He loves to play fetch, of course, as we “fetch” and he throws. We’ve been working on one trick for a year now, and I finally think he’s got it down. I ask him if he has fleas, and he pulls his little agile leg over his wing and scratches his head. Of course, his favorite rewards are verbal praise and head rubs!

We decided recently to share our little blessing by raising lovebirds with a similar demeanor. BeBe’s true quality comes out in how he is an example to the new babies. He pays attention to them and cares about them, even so much as to try and regurgitate to them. Many of our new babies have weaned faster by watching BeBe and his actions. He cares so much for other birds that he sometimes risks his own life to visit with birds much bigger than him! We all know, however, that lovebirds are big birds in little bodies anyways.

Most of all, BeBe has taught me how to love deeper and be more patient. We are his flock, his family, his mate. He has given me a new reason to get up early every morning, to play more, and has taught me how to be a better person. I think it is all in learning to love and care for the smallest of deliveries into our lives.

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