Monday, June 04, 2007

Took the plunge.....

So, I did it. I took the plunge. I sent in the letter! Yes, that letter. The one.

There's a real sense of peace in it all. I also felt very much in control and like I was the one with the power. Not that I want to be like some of those medical schools who send rejection letters, but I essentially rejected medical school itself.

Why? Oh, why, Tamara?
Well, let's just say it isn't for me. Especially not right this moment. It seems that there are more important things in life than a career. Family, friends, life, freedom. All these things appeal to me way more than medical school.

I just don't want to sacrifice my life for a career that would rule my life. It would take away all freedom. Seriously. Imagine: I would be studying 24/7 and really have no life. I desire to live life to it's fullest, and that includes being with my husband, loving on my nephew, spending time with my Mom & Dad, visiting my family, and being with my friends.

Frankly, I am happy with the job I have right now. It works out in the number of hours and pay (recently asked for a raise and got it) and fulfills my desire to help people. Ultimately, that's what I want to do in life: help people. I can do that without being a doctor. This has been divinely revealed to me.

Perhaps medicine will be something I pursue down the line. Had I been accepted right out of college, I wouldn't have known any better and gone. But, since entering the "real world" per se, I have determined that jobs are not life. We shouldn't have to work to live or even live to work! Work does not = life!!!!

Medicine is stressful. I have seen it, read it, heard it, felt it. I desire less stress in life as it is!

I know some of you are thinking that I am crazy! Well, you could say that. I am "crazy" in love, "crazy" in life, "crazy" involved with God! It is awesome! Thank the Lord and Jesus I can be fulfilled in something other than a job!

Ok... whew. That felt good.

On another note, I am making someone on the alternate list very happy! I know how I would've felt had I gotten in off the alternate list originally. Also, I received the "summer reading" book in the mail before I "rejected" them, and it sure feels good to be reading it because I want to (looked interesting). Haha!


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