Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Kids are so funny aren't they....

Well, only if you're not the mom trying to hush the screaming child in the middle of the store, or where ever. Rodney and I have talked about it a lot and after all of our talks, having kids does not seem very desirable. We're at the point where we leave having the grandbabies with my brothers.

I know that right this very minute many of you are saying, "You will change your mind when one of your friends has kids," or, " You have to have babies... you would do great at mothering," etc etc etc. Yeah, yeah... I know you are!

However, after all of my studying, babysitting, being around kids, the idea of entertaining a kid, paying for a kid, cleaning up after a kid just doesn't fit my desirable stress or sleep level. Not to say that I don't like babysitting, being around kids, caring for kids. I do, but for very short periods of time, not 24/7.

Plus, I don't know where kids are going to fit in in my professional career, married life, and personal time.

1. Kids are expensive. They say having one kid will cost about $100,000 or more (not including college if that is something you want to pay for).
2. Diapers. That's all I have to say about that.
3. Screaming and Crying. Why are they always doing that at the worst time? Like during a prayer at church...
4. Poop. Some babies like to stick their hands down their diapers so you can imagine.
5. Entertainment. I would feel guilty entertaining my kids with TV all the time. So then I would become the entertainer.
6. Daycare. Everyone gets what sickness one kid has. $$ again.
7. Middle of the Night Feedings. Why can't they wait till morning?
8. Toys. Toys everywhere.
9. Pee. Why do little boys spray everywhere? And then there are the little girls who pee on the floor. No Thankyou!
10. Birthing & Stitches. Mom sometimes has to have stitches in the worst place after giving birth. And all that pain, blood, and screaming... Why Eve, why?

1. Parenting would be the greatest adventure of our lives.
2. Having someone to take care of us when we're old.
3. Laughter. Joy. Pride.
4. Being Grandparents. Giving them to the grandparents for awhile.

It seems as though the upsides are less, but #1 is huge. I just don't know if I would be cut out for the stress (Rodney, too). I'm stressed enough as it is.

Overall, I know that if it is God's will that we have kids, we will no matter how hard we try not to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, leaving the grandchildren to us? Funny... I know you have your downsides yata yata yatta... all just little anoyances, I dont want to do this, or why me??? Get over it. In the end, having children and the love you have for them out weigh all of the downfalls! You know it and I know it. If it were the other way around, well, I'm sure the Human race would be extict by now. Besides, in a few years, maybe a little longer, you'll probably change your minds anyway. Just give it time. oh, and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. -Thomas