Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The Stop Sign

Wouldn't you know it, the one time I would miss a stop sign, there would be a cop sitting right there to catch me.

I was on my way to tutor someone and as I cut my way through the back roads to get to the other side of Cary, there is this random, obscure stop sign. You wouldn't expect one there especially in my direction. As soon as I ran through it, I knew I had. I saw it as I drove through and thought to myself, "Ack! I missed the stop sign."

I looked back to make sure I hadn't cut someone off who was travelling in the other direction or caused an accident and as I came to the road I was going to turn on, I saw lights. At first I thought it was an emergency vehicle so I pulled to the right. However, it was a Cary cop, and yes, he was pulling me over.

He exited his
car as I pulled out my license and rolled my window down. I said, "Good evening officer." Then he asked me if I had realized I just ran through a stop sign. I couldn't lie. I knew I had, so I told him that yeah, I had missed it.

He introduced himself and that was the turning point in this pull-over. I had run a call with him with the Cary Area EMS! I told him that as I handed over my registration. He asked me if I was about to get on duty. I told him no, and that the I was on again on Friday night. He then walked back to his car.

I panicked a little. I didn't want a ticket! Who does? I didn't mean to, I promise. He spent a few minutes in his car, I guess looking me up. I wondered if I wouldn't be allowed to drive the ambulance because of this mistake (I would have to tell my chief that I had a violation).

Then, the cop exited his vehicle, carrying only my license and registration. Whew! He then gives me a verbal warning, asks me to be careful next time, and ends it with, "I may need you someday."

Praise Jesus! I avoided a ticket because I am a volunteer EMT. That totally rocks.

I can guarantee you, though, that I will never run that stop sign again!

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