Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Cancer is a terrible ordeal for anyone to go through. I am constantly praying for someone who has cancer and that disturbs me. Why is cancer such a common thing? Our world is being overrun by cancer and I wish there was some way to cure it.

Lately, cancer has been on my mind quite a bit. My mom had cancer last year. I was so distraught at the news. She is too young, I thought. Why is this happening? I just thought I could never understand why. I even questioned God. I had been praying diligently since finding out about the cyst on her ovary that it wouldn't be the big "C." Then, when the doctors announced that it was, I got angry. I got angry at the cancer and I got angry at God. My mom didn't deserve this.

My grandma (my mom's mom) passed away 7 years ago on my Dad's 40th birthday. She had lung cancer. I remember feeling like the diagnosis was so sudden. She was in the hospital and I remember the doctors saying they were going to put her in hospice care or care for the terminally ill. That was just a few days before she passed away. My grandma was one determined lady. Even in the hospital, she insisted on putting on her own makeup. I remember the last time I saw her. Her makeup was all crazy while she slept! I had major respect for her desire to do things for herself, for her independence. We had expected her to live quite a bit longer than she had, but God called her home.

When my boss, Karin, announced that her mom had cancer, I couldn't believe that another person that I know was dealing with the epidemic. Her family had been through it quite a bit already. The best thing I knew to do was to pray.

Then, the secretary at church's daughter (Brenda) got cancer. What you must understand is that Victoria is the sweetest woman you will ever meet. She trusts God unconditionally and knows that He will take care of them no matter what. She is a Christian woman who teaches me the value of putting my hope in the Lord.

Last night, one of my best friends, Andrea, dealt with a loss due to cancer. Her grandma passed away from lung cancer. It touched my heart that I could be relied on by her for comfort. When Andrea told me that her grandma was dying, I had flashbacks to my own grandma. I was able to give her comfort because of my own experiences. My heart hurt for her and her family. You see, when you are one of my best friends, you might as well accept that you are family. Thus, when you hurt, I hurt.

All is well in with my mom these days. When the surgeons went in to remove the cyst, they removed the cancer as well. It was a torturous 3 days waiting for the results of the tests to see if it was all out. Then, God put me in the room with my mom the day the doctor came in with them. God woke me up and said, "See, all is well when things are left in my hands." My mom didn't even have to have chemo. Many people had prayed for her and us and God answered them.

God is in control. We must, "Let go, and Let God." He can bring comfort in these times of trial. I do as much as I can by praying, giving a shoulder to cry on, a tissue, or a card, but, ultimately, God will take care of us.

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