Thursday, February 09, 2006

Dreams and the Pursuit of Freedom

Many people go through life without a direction, without a dream, without goals. This is sad to me. Without them, what is life? I have refined and changed my goals and dreams on many occasions. Mainly, I did that to fit in my current life views. The real objective should be to put your dreams and goals in front of you everyday so that you can head in the right direction.

If you were to come to my home, you would find dreams every where. Our refrigerator is a dream collage! We love it too because we see it every time we go past or into the kitchen. We write our dreams and goals on our mirrors. Every time I get into my car, I know what I am striving for.

One way to learn how to set your goals and what they should be is to read inspirational books. Some of my favorites include Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen, The Journey of Desire by John Eldredge, and The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. I tell you what, I have never been so much of an avid reader than since these last 6 months being in business for myself. It is one of the many things that our business team encourages us to do.

Association. This is key to pursuing your dreams and heading in the right direction. Sometimes, I have a hard time associating with people who are only negative in their mindset. They just don't realize that there is something better out there than corporate america, the news, and TV! I like to think of them as the "confused" ones. I, now, tend to hang out more often with people from our business and friends who live optimistically than I do with those without hope.

I shocked a church member the other day when she asked about my marriage. I told her it was great and it is, but I also told her that the main spats we have deals with money. She replied that we will never get rid of that problem and I so confidently responded, "Yes we will alleviate that problem! We're on the way to doing that now." When one pursues freedom, it pertains not only to time and life, but also to financial freedom. That is one of our goals. We see ourselves getting rid of debt in the next 2 years and living a life we could've only dreamed of during college. It's a done deal, and we speak that everyday.

Speaking of which, there is power in words. Have you ever noticed some of the idiomatic phrases we use and how negative they are? For example, "It scared me to death!" I don't want to die from a scare! You might think that's funny, but why don't we say, "It scared me to life!"? We tend to put ourselves and our lives down everyday just through our speech. Most of us don't even realize we are doing it. Rodney caught me on one the other day. He caught me saying, "Can't afford that, we're broke." Well, if I speak like that, of course we're broke. I now try to catch myself on that.

I was talking to Brent last night at church about my goals. I told him how I was disappointed about not being able to go on the mission trip. Yes, some of it has to do with finances, but mainly it has to do with the fact that my "spring break" doesn't coincide with it this year. I was telling him how even though I am delaying some gratification right now, that I am looking forwards to next year when I will not have a job. "NOT HAVE A JOB!?" you might say. Yeah, that's right. That wasn't a typo. You see, in the pursuit of freedom, you may not be able to enjoy everything you would like to right now or instantly, but you know that with the work you are doing right now, you will be able to do the things you want to do when you ultimately achieve your goal.

Yes, it is sometimes hard work. Dreams and goals and the pursuit of freedom are worth it though. We keep that in front of us, excite those around us (or freak them out with our mindset and personal vision), and know that God will bless us indeed.

Lastly, as you head in the right direction you will face opposition. It may come from people, health, or just life in general. The more of it, the more likely you are getting closer and closer to you goal or heading down the right path. Opposition should excite you! You know that you are doing what is right. You will face it too because the world is negative and you are heading completely opposite from the world. Isn't that what we are called to do as Christians anyway?

"For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks." Luke 6:45b

"Humble yourself, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time." 1 Peter 5:6


Anonymous said...

Hey Tamara, I love ya, but your business is in Corporate America. Alticore, the parent company is a Corporation and Thrives of of the little people such as yourself.

Also, I wouldn't go telling people that you plan to not have a job next year b/c you expect to be making enough money through this business. Your friend Ken has been working hard at this a lot longer than you have and still has to have a job so why do you, who hasn't seen much money from it think you can accomplish much more in such a short period of time. Plus if you are wrong then many might see you as a hypocrite. Just some advice. Its nice to dream but be realistic and think about the facts thus far.

Tamara said...

Unfortunantely, many people still reside in the corporate mindset. The parent company may be a coporation, but we do not work for the corporation. You see, we are independent contractors in a business in which we can grow faster and create more income than the people in front of it. Consider a snow covered road. People who go down the road without it plowed will have to go slow, if they even make it. Then there's the snow plows. They will go a little faster down the road than those who tried before a path was cleared, mainly because they are plowing their own path. Then there are the cars that follow the plow. They can go much faster than the car that tried before the plow and faster than the plow itself. This is the way it is in our business. It's easy to prejudge someone without knowing all of the facts. For instance, our mentors have a lot of reasons why they haven't been able to retire yet. Examples include a mortgage, 5 hungry mouths, kids in private school, etc. It all depends on where people are in life on when someone may retire. Also, the business itself has been refined. That is why things can go a lot faster. Unfortunantely, people without dreams or ambitions to truly live the American dream want to tear down other people's dream. What excites me is having the potential to exceed my mentors in the business in timing and income. This is something that will never be able to happen in corporate america. If people truly knew our business, the success in the system, and the people in it, there would be no question about our involvement in it. We are realistic and have faith in our business. We have been profitable since the 2nd month in the business, but most people don't know that unless they ask. We will be successful in this thing despite any negativity, and after consulting our mentors, are being realistic in saying that sometime next year at the latest, I will not be working anymore.